Bus line in Meridian 16 business zone

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Bus line in Meridian 16 business zone
Arriva Hrvatska - The new local line carrier in the Veliko Gorica area will start transporting passengers on July 1, 2024

Bus transportation from the Velika Gorica railway station to the Meridian 16 business zone will start operating on July 1, 2024.

The city of Velika Gorica and the road transport company Arriva Hrvatska signed a 7-year contract on the provision of local transport in the city of Velika Gorica and its surroundings.

Line No.3 between our business zone and the Velika Gorica railway station will operate according to the timetable that you can see on the following link https://www.arriva.com.hr/app_...

Local city transport will be free of charge.

*cover photo was taken from the website vgradu.hr