First Velika Gorica Business Forum held in the ''Business Incubator''
On October 23, 2024, the first Velika Gorica Business Forum took place in the Velika Gorica in the ''Business Incubator''. The goal of the forum was to highlight the potential of Velika Gorica as a key investment destination.
2,187 entrepreneurs run their business in Velika Gorica and employ more than 22,000 people in their companies. Meridian 16 is the largest business zone in Velika Gorica. Our director, Ivana Bakunić, was a speaker on the panel "Why we decided to invest in Velika Gorica".
Velika Gorica is one of the most important entrepreneurial centers and the most active investment areas in the Republic of Croatia thanks to its excellent traffic connection (by road, rail and air), its proximity to Zagreb, and a positive entrepreneurial atmosphere.